音标:[ˈlækrəməl dʌkt] ;
词型变化:名词复数形式 : lacrimal ducts

lacrimal duct的用法和样例:


  1. ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical value of lacrimal duct stent for treatment of lacrimal sac mucocele.目的评价鼻泪管支架植入术在治疗泪囊黏液囊肿中的应用价值。

[00:12.03]The Duct Tape [00:14.00]Among the contents of [00:16.62]the toolboxes of most people [00:18.92]in the western world [00:20.23]you would expect to find [00:21.76]a hammer and nails, a drill, [00:24.17]screwdrivers and some screws. [00:26.47]

发表于:2018-11-30 / 阅读(178) / 评论(0) 分类 最新15篇文章贯通英语四级词汇

第一章 视器 Chapter 1 Visual Organ accessory organs of eye 眼副器 adipose body of orbit 眶脂体 aqueous humor 房水 bulbar conjunctiva 球结膜 central artery of retina 视网膜中央动脉 chambers of eyeball 眼房 choroids 脉络膜 ciliary body 睫状体 ciliary

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[00:07.21]UNIT12 [00:12.03]The Duct Tape [00:14.00]Among the contents of [00:16.62]the toolboxes of most people [00:18.92]in the western world [00:20.23]you would expect to find [00:21.76]a hammer and nails, a drill, [00:24.17]screwdrivers and some s

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1. Emergency crews are on their way to South Texas as Erin approaches. The tropical storm is taking shape in the Gulf of Mexico, and forecasters predict it could reach land by tomorrow. Erin could bring heavy rains to a state that already has one of

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It is certainly a unique idea - an anonymous app that lets you chat from the toilet with others in a similar position. 有一款手机应用,可以让你在如厕时和其他正在上厕所的人进行匿名交流,这个创意不错吧? Called

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本文为大家准备了GRE词汇词根:duc,便于考生GRE考试备考。 duc , duct = lead 引导 409. educate〔 e- 出, duc 引导,-ate 动词后缀;引导出来,把由无知状态中引导出来教导出来 〕教育410. education〔 见上

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